
Sunday, May 30, 2021

7 Spectacular tips for setting goals.

I must admit there was a time in my life when I had no path of my own to follow. I looked at others and thought, “Oh, I will do what they are doing.” I had no real goals of my own to monitor. So, at times I got perplexed and discontented. I would just go with the flow, wherever the wind took me, so to speak. I never focused on following through with things. If it became too difficult, I would move to something else. Nothing was a priority. I felt that I had not accomplished anything that would lead to anything satisfying or momentous. 

As an undergraduate, I remember waiting three and a half years to speak with a college counselor. I was told that I had exceeded the number of credits required to be a college senior. But those credits were in many different subjects and were not specific to a single discipline. Therefore, this prevented me from graduating at that time. After deciding on my field of study, it took an additional two years for me to graduate. I was distraught because I did plan.

After this experience, I still had not learned my lesson. I moved from job to job for years. I never felt that I was making any accomplishments. It was a struggle emotionally and financially. However, I finally woke up. I was able to comprehend the importance of setting goals. I had the desire to create a plan and pinpoint my triumphs.

 For those who are frustrated because they feel that they have not achieved or cannot recollect any real accomplishments, settings goals may be what you need. Creating and documenting goals is important. It produces a path for achievements.  It promotes accountability. You can also monitor and validate your successes. It also keeps us motivated, encouraged, and inspired.

Here are 7 Spectacular tips for setting goals:

  1. Brainstorm and envision your goals and why these goals are important to you.
  2. Create a list of immediate and realistic goals that you want to achieve. The goals should be purpose-driven.
  3. Estimate the length of time it will take and how much time you will need to set aside to achieve the goal.
  4. Out of those goals pick the first 3-4 important ones that you would like to focus on first. Do not overwhelm yourself with trying to focus on too many things at once.
  5. Use a checklist to document your goals and measure your progress and achievements.
  6. Stay focused by removing any distractions. Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed and are supportive. Ponder on the rewards of achieving your goals.
  7. Review you list of goals to determine which have been accomplished and are pending. During this time, you can also determine whether you want to add new goals or change any goals on the list.

Tracking your goals helps you to remain on course. You are also able to stay motivated. Remember to set goals that are measurable, stay committed and focus on the prize which is to manifest your vision into actuality.

The free planners below will assist with keeping a record of your goals and help to track your progress. Goal setting also aids in promoting life changes and enhances self-confidence.


                                                                 Download your free Planner here

                                                                  Download your free Goal Planner here

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